Our Calling

Finding our rest in Christ, we are restored and reconciled; we are released to be His ambassadors in the world.


Finding our rest in Christ, we are restored and reconciled; we are released to be His ambassadors into the world.


To extend an invitation from the Lord to come, commune with Christ, and find rest for your soul.
Reference: Matthew 11:28-30 NIV


To find the love and peace of God, through the restoration of broken relationships.
Reference: 2 Corinthians 13:11 ESV


To open the door of reconciliation to God, and each other, through Christ.
Reference: 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 NASB


in Harmonie Encounters include Mornings Of Prayer, Quiet Days, and Silent Retreats.

The desire of every Encounter is to lead you into a time of rest, restoration, and reconciliation. Our times of silence are not just an absence of noise, but times of inner stillness and reflection on the Lord.

Encounter details and specific dates are available on request.


Situated in the beautiful Franschhoek Valley, in Harmonie is a Place of Change.

Since 2015, in Harmonie has created opportunities for Christian leaders and ministries from diverse backgrounds to engage in community, find a place of rest, and experience the joys of restoration and reconciliation with God and others.
At in Harmonie there is a welcoming atmosphere that tangibly demonstrates the love of Christ Jesus.

Kindly note that in Harmonie is by invitation only and that we unfortunately cannot facilitate walk-in visitors.


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in Harmonie is a team of Christ-followers who intentionally create opportunities for Christian servant-leaders and ministries throughout Africa to encounter and connect with God through prayerful and creative meetings.


If you would like to apply for an invitation to an in Harmonie Encounter, please complete the application form below.
Kindly note that completing the form does not guarantee an invitation.


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